09/11/20 – Wolf Island to Aqua Yacht Harbor

Day 4

On this somber anniversary, I found myself wishing it was possible for us to lower our US flag on the stern of Legacy to half-mast. But, considering the mast is not much longer than our flag is wide, there was no way to do so. Due to the proximity of Wolf Island to the Pickwick Lock and Dam, the current in which we anchored was running strong. Even though we’d set the anchor securely the night before, and have an anchor alarm onboard to rudely awaken us if our anchor drags even an inch, Steve confessed that he slept very lightly through the night. Nothing untoward occurred, luckily, and we pulled anchor fairly early to get to the Pickwick Lock before the days’ commercial traffic started lining up. As I’ve probably mentioned before, recreational or pleasure crafts are very last on the priority list when it comes to locking through. If Legacy should arrive behind a barge or multiple barges, Legacy got to idle and wait until all barges have locked-through before traversing the lock herself. Steve had called ahead and the lock master advised us to come ahead as current lock traffic was low. So, unlike the last time we locked through at Pickwick, we had very little wait at all and locked through with ease.

Legacy waits for the lock doors to open before proceeding into the chamber.
Another view of the lock doors opening.
Here is Gilligan at her station for locking through. Holding the line on the lock pin to help secure Legacy in a stationery position though the entire locking procedure. The lock-master will blast a loud horn blast to make Gilligan jump out of her skin and also to signal it’s okay to release the line securing the boat to the lock wall.

As soon as we came out on the other side of the dam, we were in the largest portion of Pickwick Lake. The topography of the river changes dramatically here, going from relatively flat fields on lower banks to high, steep cliffs upon which many high-dollar lake houses are constructed, each with its own spectacular view and boathouse far beneath it on the water.

One of the many lake “cottages” that line Pickwick Lake, near the dam.
Another tiny little lake getaway on Pickwick.

Our whole reason for stopping again at the Aqua transient dock was to have them install our new Splendide washer/dryer unit, as the original one on the boat was on its very last leg. We asked to tie up on the wall this time, in hopes of not blocking out our DirecTV satellite signal again. We did keep our signal, but – even though this was not a holiday weekend (like last time) – our boat still rocked the entire time we were at Aqua – UGH! It is one busy marina, transient spaces are not sheltered ones, plus there is very little attention paid to the no wake barrels that line Yellow Creek, and apparently not enough staff to enforce those no wake laws.

Legacy’s resting spot on the Aqua Yacht Harbor transient wall.
Sunrise at Aqua (we turned the boat around for easier installation of washer/dryer unit).

Position tonight: N 34° 59.481, W 88° 14.830

Distance traveled:  19.3 NM

Total distance traveled: 165.6 NM

Time underway: 2 HRS 28 MIN

Total time underway: 19 HRS 18 MIN

Total marina nights: 1

Total nights at anchor: 3

Locks today: 1

Locks Total:  1