09/12/20 – 09/13/20 – Aqua Yacht Harbor with visit from Kristin’s brother, Steve Elliott

Day 5 – 6

On Saturday morning, I took some bedding up to the laundry facilities next to Aqua Grille, which felt like a 5-mile hike, especially with the day’s high heat and humidity. While waiting for the dryer to finish, I received a text from my brother, Steve, that he’d just arrived at Aqua’s main entrance on his first visit over to see our boat. Steve lives in Cabot, AR, which is about a 4-hour drive frp, Aqua Yacht Harbor in Mississippi. I walked up to the entrance to meet him so I could show him exactly where our boat was tied, rather than try to explain it to him on the phone. We walked his bags for 5 miles from the parking lot to Legacy. (Okay, it wasn’t really 5 miles, but it sure felt like it! One thing this new lifestyle affords is plenty of opportunities to walk and walk.) My brother was duly impressed with our tiny home, which he calls a “floating RV”. The captain showed him all around the boat, including down inside the engine room. Once the tour was over, we walked back over to Aqua Grille for lunch. We had just barely gotten back to the boat before the bottom fell out of some torrential rain clouds. One particularly intense storm caused the boat to really rock, which had us grabbing a hold inside the boat to keep from falling down! My brother said, “Hey, I thought you said this boat has stabilizers!” Ha! I explained to him that the stabilizing fins only work while the boat is underway, not while it’s stationery at the dock, unfortunately. Ordinarily, when we have visitors on the boat, we’d like to have fair weather so we can take the boat out onto the water. But sadly the rain set in and did not let up until late Sunday afternoon. We made the best of it, hunkering down inside the boat and only venturing out for dinner at Freddy T’s, one of Pickwick’s landmark eateries. I had the v-berth all made up as guest quarters for my brother’s accommodation and instructed him on the operations of his own private, guest head. The rain continued, but the wind turned and started coming straight out of the east, which pushed the boat right up against the transient wall. That stopped the rocking, but replaced it with the constant, loud lapping of waves up against Legacy’s hull all night long – UGH! I worried my poor brother would not sleep a wink with all that racket, but wonderfully, the next morning, he said he’d slept well! Hooray! Steve Linn fixed us a nice breakfast spread on Sunday morning, which we finished before we proceeded to spend most of Sunday inside the boat again because the rain never stopped. FINALLY, around 4 pm on Sunday, the rain ceased and we actually began to see some spots of blue sky and rays of sunshine. That was all we needed – it was time to throw off the lines and take Legacy out onto Pickwick Lake, so my brother could actually enjoy a little time on the water.

Hints of blue sky and sunshine over Pickwick Lake!
Captain Steve shows brother Steve the workings in the flybridge as we motor out.
Passing by Grand Harbor on Yellow Creek between Aqua Yacht Harbor and Pickwick Lake.
Brother Steve looking very seafaring up in the flybridge.
Siblings up on the bow

Position: N 34° 59.481, W 88° 14.830

Total marina nights: 3

Total nights at anchor: 3