10/14/20 – Sale Creek Anchorage to Butler Cemetery Anchorage

Day 33

On Wednesday morning, 10/14/20, we awoke to some early fog, which eventually turned into more perfect cruising weather and temperatures to finish crossing Chickamauga Lake.  After a long and peaceful travel day, we traversed the tiny Watts Bar Lock into beautiful, but lesser-known Watts Bar Lake.

We really lucked-out with the fall foliage!
We’ve passed quite a few sailboats on this cruise and they always bring back fond memories of our sailing days.
The Watts Bar lock was really small and we had no problems traversing it. However, being watched by all these vultures as we locked-through was a bit unnerving!

On Wednesday evening, the anchorage we’d originally had in mind was too exposed to the brisk westerly winds coming across the river, so we found another anchorage called Butler Cemetery.  This anchorage was protected but was also surrounded by the back yards of multiple lake homes.  We sat up in the flybridge for adult beverages and to enjoy the sunset, when we noticed a person walking behind one of the houses in what appeared to be nothing but a beach towel.  We were far enough away we couldn’t really see if the person was male or female, and we exercised enough tact not to whip out the binoculars for a closer look, but it was pretty easy to tell this person was staring out at our boat anchored behind their house.  After standing and staring for a few minutes, the person was joined by another person clad only in a beach towel.  That person stopped and stared at us, too.  Steve finally saw there was a hot-tub out behind the house toward which these two walking beach towels had been headed.  Still, we did NOT pick up the binoculars.  It was almost dusk, but apparently our boat was too close for comfort, because the beach towel people ended up dropping the top back on their hot-tub and going back inside their house!  I hated that we ruined their plans, and it was a shame they were so paranoid, because we really were too far out in the water to see anything, but I’m sure these folks assumed we had binoculars onboard and might finally let our curiosity get the better of us.  😉

Position: N 35° 48.147, W 84° 36.317

Distance traveled:  50.9 NM

Total distance traveled: 480.5 NM

Time underway: 6 HRS 25 MIN

Total time underway: 62 HRS 27 MIN

Total marina nights: 27

Total nights at anchor: 6

Locks today: 1

Locks Total:  7