12/14/20 – 12/15/20 – Last Days at The Wharf in Orange Beach, AL

Days 94 – 95

On Monday, 12/14/20, we slept in a bit after our long weekend with family in Arkansas.  We took the rental car on one last provisioning run, then Steve returned it to Enterprise.    While he was out, Steve purchased a new humidifier from West Marine, as we have too much humidity on the boat, which results in fogged-up windows that are not ideal when helming from the salon, as we planned to do making the Gulf crossing.

We were originally to leave The Wharf on Tuesday, 12/15/20, but the forecast thunderstorms and wind prompted us to delay the trip for a day.  I cleaned the inside of the boat and caught up on laundry, while Steve fixed us a huge pot of chili to eat during the next several nights of planned anchorages.  Ironically, the forecast storms and winds never really materialized, but at least we were safe rather than sorry.

We took a last look at The Wharf’s wonderful Christmas decor before bed on Tuesday night, 12/15/20.

Position: N 30° 17.699, W 87° 37.816

Marina Nights: 80