06/22/21 – One Quiet Day in Georgetown, MD

Day 285

Our overnight guests, the Wehrles, left the boat around 9:00 am, headed southward, after reports of a good night’s sleep. The rain set in, and I went back to bed for a few hours, having partied a bit too much like a rock star the night before. 😐 Once I got around that afternoon, Steve and I drove the marina’s courtesy car into exciting Georgetown to run errands, have lunch, and then head back to the boat where I spent the rest of that day converting the guest room in the V-berth back into a storage locker/pantry. When we bought this boat, we made sure it had an extra berth and head for guests. Unfortunately, since we rarely have overnight guests aboard our tiny, floating home, the V-berth becomes a catch-all for any items we don’t want sitting out in the salon, galley, or aft-berth. 🙁 UGH! When I think of our history with “stuff” and how we’ve always dealt with it, a V-berth catch-all should be no surprise at all. I have a feeling if Legacy was twice her size, the Captain and I would still find a way to fill every nook and cranny with “stuff”….

Since Tuesday, 06/22/21, was a total washout from the rain, I decided to post these pics of Sassafras Marina, taken the following beautiful morning. 😉

Position: N 39° 21.802, W 75° 53.028

Total marina nights: 261

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  28