09/12/21 – A Day at Kingston City Marina in Kingston, NY

Day 367

We spent a day on the wall at Kingston City Marina in Kingston, NY, on Sunday, 09/12/21, walking up to Mariner’s Harbor for a light lunch. We sat outside on the patio and enjoyed the incredibly wonderful weather. Bright, blue skies with brilliant sunshine, a light breeze and temps in the upper 70s. Perfection! We walked around town after lunch, Steve waiting outside for me while I visited several shops. While I love shopping, it’s rather frustrating now that we live on a boat, as I can’t buy any found treasures, due to lack of storage space. 🙁

Later that evening, we walked to Ship to Shore for another outside meal in the glorious weather. MUCH more pleasant than our earlier visit to Kingston, back in July. We enjoyed cocktails, a personable waiter, and delicious entrees, all al fresco.

Position: N 41° 55.70, W 73° 58.950

Total marina nights: 343

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  28