09/22/21 – 09/24/21 – Three Days at South Jersey Marina, in Cape May, NJ

Day 377 – 379

Wednesday, 09/22/21, the weather wasn’t stellar, so it was a lazy day for us and we spent most of it aboard Legacy or walking around the South Jersey Marina. On Wednesday late afternoon, we finally emerged and walked across the street to Tony’s Pizzeria for dinner. The place was just as deserted this time as it had been the first time we’d eaten there with the Sharps, earlier in the summer. We kind of wonder how they stay in business…(?)

Enjoyed another pizza dinner at Tony’s in Cape May, NJ.

We just thought the weather was undesirable on Wednesday, until the following day, when the skies dumped buckets of rain onto Cape May! We were total hermits on this day, not even leaving the boat for dinner – instead we stayed onboard, streaming Netflix and eating leftover pizza from the night before.

On Friday morning, 09/24/21, we awoke to spectacular weather, with temps in the mid-70s, ultra-sunny skies and low humidity. We caught the marina’s shuttle into downtown Cape May to the post office (so I could mail off yet another box of crocheted sections to Warm Up America!), and then walked over to Washington Street Mall, where we encountered a very large funeral procession for a local, longtime firefighter. We of course stopped and stood with the crowd, showing our respect for the deceased and his family, while enduring loud, repetitive strains of poorly-played bagpipe music. I wanted so badly to get some pictures of this colorful and highly-attended event, but decided that might be construed by others as disrespectful behavior, even though Steve and I had no clue who that funeral was for…

We again walked the now familiar streets of Cape May, with me actually putting the camera away in my purse, since I’d already loaded this blog with pics of the area. It felt strange not stopping to take a picture every three or four steps, and Steve found it refreshing to get a break from constantly stopping and waiting for me to catch up with him. Later that afternoon, we stopped at Fins Restaurant for a late lunch, dining outside and people-watching. We noticed the crowds had thinned from our last visit there in June, but the area was still quite busy. I decided that the fabulous late-September weather was most likely the draw.

Where we enjoyed a leisurely late lunch on Friday, 09/24/21, in Cape May, NJ…

Position: N 38° 56.942, W 74° 54.501

Total marina nights: 355

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  28