09/27/21 – Delaware City Marina in Delaware City, DE, to Log Pond Marina in Havre de Grace, MD

Day 382

Since today would be a short travel day, Legacy didn’t leave her tie-up in Delaware City until 9:15 AM. We exited the Delaware Bay, and headed back down the C&D Canal (this time in the opposite direction), cruising underneath the Delaware Highway 9 bridge at the eastern end of the C&D, where we met a huge barge, loaded full of shipping containers. In the protected waters of the narrow canal, our cruising weather could not have been better; clear, sunny, low-humidity, and a forecast high of 80 degrees. SO nice!

Approaching the eastern end of the C&D Canal from the Delaware Bay, and the Delaware Highway 9 bridge we passed underneath.
We passed this heavily-loaded barge carrying a myriad of containers, stacked 4-high!
Passing several working tugboats that day reminded me that, just because we’re retired, doesn’t mean everyone else is!

We traveled the entire C&D Canal, once again passing St. Georges, DE, and Chesapeake City, MD, crossing the state line between Delaware and Maryland (obviously) before dumping out of the canal into the Elk River, in the northeastern Chesapeake Bay. Even though the weather conditions picked-up now and the waters became choppier (1-2 foot waves with some white-capping), it was great to be back cruising the Chesapeake! The winds out in the bay grew stronger and chillier, so I ran below to grab a light jacket. Fall had definitely arrived!

Passing by Chesapeake City, MD.
Lovely, historic building on the Elk River.

Eventually we turned northward and headed up into the northern tip of the Chesapeake Bay, toward Havre de Grace, MD, a highly-recommended stop and one we’d not had time to make on our journey northward, back in June. This part of the Bay was brand new territory for us and I liked it there because the bay is narrow enough here to see land on both sides of it as we cruised. I told Steve the northern-most Chesapeake Bay reminded me very much of Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River, only the water in the Bay was much browner than Kentucky Lake. Almost a milk-chocolate color!

Views approaching Log Pond Marina in Havre de Grace, MD…

We arrived at Log Pond Marina, in Havre de Grace, MD, at 2:00 pm, where they tied us to a T-dock with a nice view of the harbor and nearby bridges. Brian and his wife, on the boat tied immediately adjacent to us, were more than kind to help us get Legacy tied-up, secured and plugged-up for her stay. The harbor and our marina was surrounded by lots of pretty condominiums, and of course lots of boats!

One of our views from Legacy’s flybridge where she was tied at Log Pond Marina.

After getting the scoop on the marina and surrounding area, we showered and walked up to the nearby Tidewater Grille, in downtown Havre de Grace, for a leisurely early dinner and beverages. We dined al fresco right on the water and enjoyed the gorgeous weather and view with our meal.

Our choice for dinner and drinks on Monday, late afternoon, 09/27/21, in Havre de Grace, MD.
Some of our lovely water views while dining al fresco at Tidewater Grille…

When we returned to the marina after dinner, a group of boaters were all sitting up at the head of our dock finger socializing. They invited us to come up and join them for a little while that evening. We learned a lot about Havre de Grace from that group, as many of them were either live-aboards there at the marina, or owned condos right there on the marina’s perimeter. Pretty much everywhere we go, we talk about someday perhaps retiring to that particular location. Havre de Grace was definitely one of those places, as it was lovely there, but then we remembered it gets COLD there in the winter, so… never mind. LOL!

Right beside our boat was this popular waterfowl hang-out spot, which was always covered with several different species of birds, for the entire time we spent at Log Pond Marina.
Yep – you guessed it! Here’s the first prize winning photo of this blog post!

Position: N 39° 32.678, W 76° 05.033

Distance traveled:  40 SM

Total distance traveled: 4799 SM

Total marina nights: 359

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  28