10/01/21 – 10/03/21 – Three Days at Rock Hall Landing Marina in Rock Hall, MD

Day 386 – 388

As early as possible on Friday morning, 10/01/21, once the marina office opened, Steve called the harbor master and asked if anyone could possibly drive us to and from the nearest ER, as my horrible bronchial spasm the night before had turned into yet another, full-blown sinus infection. My FIFTH one of this trip. The harbor master was extremely kind and actually gave us the keys to his brand new SUV, to drive ourselves to the nearest ER in neighboring Chestertown, MD, so I could receive treatment. The staff at the ER told me it sounds like I’d suffered a bronchial spasm the night before, and I now had bronchitis to go along with my sinus infection. UGH. They gave me a breathing treatment, took a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia, prescribed more antibiotics, steroids, and cough meds. My allergies have really terrorized me on this journey of ours! πŸ™

After stopping at the Walgreen’s up the street, we filled the gas-tank of the harbor master’s SUV and drove back to the marina, where I promptly changed back into my pajamas, took my meds, then crashed in bed to sleep for the rest of the day. Fortunately, we’d already planned to spend a couple of days in Rock Hall, which worked out well, since I was far too ill to perform any of my Gilligan duties, had we tried to travel. πŸ™

The following day, I remained in bed, while Steve walked almost a mile to the Rock Hall grocery store, pulling our little blue cart behind him, returned to the boat with his purchases, then walked back over to the restaurant for lunch. By that evening, I was awake and feeling better, so I fixed one of my signature quiches for our dinner.

By Sunday morning, 10/03/21, I finally felt well enough to walk back over to Waterman’s for lunch, where I treated myself to a tasty feta and fruit salad, and Steve had another burger. We ate outside at the bar next to a couple who’d brought their beautiful, Golden Retriever puppy, named Rye, to lunch with them. He was the cutest, most well-behaved puppy I think I’ve ever seen. The whole time his owners ate their lunch, Rye laid calmly at their feet, softly squeaking the chew-toy he’d carried with him. Steve was relieved when those three eventually left, as he knew I was falling totally in love with that dog, and before long would be pestering him to adopt a puppy of our own! 😐

There was an Ironman Competition held at our marina this weekend! We saw many swimmers, bikers, and runners all around our boat and the entire area. After the dog couple at the bar left, we struck up a conversation with one of the Ironman competitors, who referred to himself as a cross-fitter. He very much looked and acted the part, and was obsessed with his hobby/lifestyle. We learned more about the Ironman Competition and cross-fit training from him than we’d ever even hoped to know! πŸ˜‰

That night, and for many nights afterward, I slept up in the v-berth, because of my constant wheezing and loud, barking seal cough. πŸ™ It was a bit cramped (I had to transfer all the junk off of the starboard mattress over to the port mattress, to make room for myself), but still comfortable. I was extremely thankful we’d decided to upgrade the v-berth mattresses right after we bought the boat!

Another view of Legacy on her wall tie-up at Rock Hall Landing Marina, in Rock Hall, MD.

Position: N 39Β° 08.034, W 76Β° 14.677

Total marina nights: 364

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  28