10/20/21 – River Walk Landing Marina in Yorktown, VA, to Atlantic Yacht Basin Marina on the Elizabeth River, south of Chesapeake City, VA

Day 405

On Wednesday morning, 10/20/21, Legacy threw off her lines from her wall-tie at Riverwalk Landing Marina in Yorktown, VA, at 7:30 am, cruising through calm, smooth waters, and beneath a spectacular sunrise. This day’s journey was bound for Atlantic Yacht Basin (AYB) Marina, located on the Elizabeth River, south of Chesapeake City, VA, where we would spend a few days having our starboard engine’s exhaust water leak repaired. (Always something on a boat…) As we made today’s cruise, I sat at the helm while Steve went below into the engine room to stuff multiple, old beach towels around the engine exhaust to soak up any seepage while we were underway.

Several views of the spectacular sunrise we enjoyed leaving Yorktown, VA, on Wednesday morning, 10/20/21… (Oh, and YES, this pic wins first prize for 10/20/21’s blog post!)
THIS pic being a very close second…
And a very close third… A truly memorable morning! 🙂

As we left the York River and re-entered the Chesapeake Bay, we headed southeastward, passing Seaford, Yorkville, and Poquoson, VA, to our starboard, as well as the mouths of both the Poquoson and Northwest Branch Back Rivers, where each of them empty into the Bay. Our cruising waves were less than 1-foot high, which made for wonderful conditions. The serene waters we so often traverse are all thanks to my excellent weather-planning captain!

This time from the north to south, we once again passed the historic Fort Monroe National Monument, outside of Hampton, VA. Leaving the Chesapeake Bay and entering the Elizabeth River, passing east of Hampton, the exact same time as we passed west of Norfolk, VA, and the massive Norfolk International Terminals. Again, we cruised OVER the I-64 Hampton Roads Tunnel Bridge. It felt so novel and surreal to be floating along, and knowing there were actually cars passing 50 to 60 feet beneath us, through a tunnel under the water! 😐

Passed another reminder that not everyone out on the water is retired like we are! 😉
Our water views of the Fort Monroe National Monument just outside of Hampton, VA…
Also known as Freedom’s Fortress, the Fort Monroe site spans nearly four centuries, dating back to the birth of America with the first settlers in 1609, to being a haven for slaves during the Civil War, to serving as a bastion of defense for the Chesapeake Bay during World War II.
U.S. Battle Ships in port on the Elizabeth River, east of Port Norfolk, VA.
Better picture of the massive shipping equipment at the Norfolk International Terminals (NIT) – Port of Virginia.
Dozens of these massive ships line the Elizabeth River between Norfolk and Portsmouth, VA.

Traveling down the impressive Elizabeth River, we once again cruised right through downtown Norfolk, VA, only this time from the opposite direction. While last time’s weather was cloudy and dreary, this time’s weather was absolutely stellar, enabling me to capture many more, much nicer, pictures of this very pretty area.

Since 10/20/21 was a stellar make-up day for the gloomy weather we encountered on our first time through Norfolk, I took multiple pictures of this beautiful port city, as the Elizabeth River runs right through downtown…
Views of the striking Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel…
Water view of the World Trade Center in downtown Norfolk, VA.
The Decker Half Moone Cruise center in downtown Norfolk, VA.
Beautiful views of the Waterside District, including Waterside Marina, where Legacy stayed during our last trip through Norfolk…
One of the lovely waterfront homes on the Elizabeth River, south of Norfolk.
This waterside neighborhood sits on the banks of the Elizabeth River, just north of Chesapeake, VA, is called the Greenbrier West neighborhood, and is part of the Preserve on the Elizabeth. I believe I could live here! 😉

Around 2:30 pm, we arrived at Atlantic Yacht Basin, and were joined by one of the marina owners, who climbed onboard Legacy with us to personally show Steve the exact route we needed to take to get Legacy around back to her covered, super-protected slip where she would reside during our stay at AYB. We followed some lush, narrow channels off of the river itself, around to the back side of the marina, to one of the most private, peaceful, and quiet slips of this entire journey. As always, the serenity and isolation of that slip came with a price. Because the slip was covered, our satellite antenna was rendered useless, and because of our location, our WIFI signal and cell services were weak, at best, our entire stay. But you’ve got to take the bad with the good.

Waiting for the Great Bridge drawbridge to open and let us move farther south on the Elizabeth River. Atlantic Yacht Basin marina is located just south of the Great Bridge and Lock.
Legacy’s rear view of the Great Bridge closing after our passage through it.
Views of nationally-renowned AYB (Atlantic Yacht Basin) on the Elizabeth River, just south of Chesepeake, VA.
My beloved Spartina grass had gone completely to seed by this time of the year.
Legacy all safe and sound in her private, covered, and peaceful slip at AYB.

That evening, we walked about a mile north of the marina to a well-reviewed Italian restaurant on VA Hwy. 168 (aka South Battlefield Boulevard), called Vino’s Italian + Bistro, where we were treated to one of the most enjoyable dinners of our entire journey. The food was delicious, while the ambiance and service were also superb. To top off the meal, we ordered a giant, luscious piece of tiramisu to carry back to the boat with us for later that night. 🙂 YUM!

Our choice for a delicious dinner on 10/20/21, and on several other occasions during our long stay at AYB.
Our evening view, walking back from dinner at Vino’s. AYB is on the right, and a very popular free dock is right across the river on the left (east) side of the Elizabeth River.
Another pic of the free dock. It stayed crowded the whole time we were at AYB.
The sunset view from our private little haven behind AYB on 10/20/21.

Atlantic Yacht Basin                                                                                        

Position: N 36° 43.137, W 76° 14.064

Distance traveled:  53 SM

Total distance traveled: 5118 SM

Total marina nights: 380

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 1

Locks Total:  29