11/04/21 – Dowry Creek Marina in Belhaven, NC, to Beaufort Town Docks, Beaufort, NC

The weather on Thursday morning, 11/04/21, was disappointing, at best. Cold, cloudy, dreary and windy. 🙁 After leaving our slip at Dowry Creek Marina, and following the Pungo River southward into the Pamlico River, Legacy rode 4-6 foot rolling swells as we crossed massive Pamlico Sound and eventually entered the gigantic Neuse River. We both sat up in the flybridge, all bundled up against the cold. I held on for dear life until we got through those swells, as they were trying to throw me off of my bench seat!

As very poor weather conditions always beget very poor pictures, I took none as we traveled on this day. After cruising the Neuse River for some distance, we turned Legacy’s bow to port, where we entered Addams Creek; a smaller waterway, with much calmer cruising conditions, although we could still barely see the noses in front of our faces, thanks to the weather.

Addams Creek ultimately empties into Harlowe Creek, north of Beaufort, NC. We arrived Beaufort Town Docks at 2:30 pm, where we had booked slip reservations for the next several days to wait out an approaching weather system. It’s better to be in a slip during high winds than it is to be tied-up to an outer wall, even though our slip here was on the outside, so we were fairly exposed. Still, we were just happy to have a place to hunker down, as the already horrible weather was only supposed to go downhill that weekend – not turning sunny again until the next coming Monday. YUCK!

Position: N 34° 42.924, W 76° 39.850

Distance traveled:  71 SM

Total distance traveled:  5312 SM

Total marina nights: 402

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  29