11/11/21 – South Harbor Village Marina in Southport, NC, to Barefoot Landing Marina in North Myrtle Beach, SC

On Thursday morning, 11/11/21, we left South Harbor Village Marina in Southport, NC, at 9:00 am EST. Our weather had suddenly turned warm again, and I had seriously overdressed that morning. As soon as we were underway and all my ‘Gilligan’ departure duties were complete, I went below to change into shorts and a sleeveless top, which was much more pleasant.

Early morning shot before we left South Harbor Village Marina on Thursday, 11/11/21.
Views along the AICW – fall colors were popping through.
My beloved spartina grass was in full bloom!

We crept along at just above idle speed as we traveled through miles of no-wake zones protecting the endless piers and homes along the AICW south of South Brunswick, NC. We passed beneath the Holden Beach Road bridge over the AICW near Holden Beach, NC. The weather turned prettier and prettier as we crossed the NC/SC state line and passed Little River, SC, where the Big M floating casino is permanently moored for this area’s gambling residents and tourists. Palm trees become prolific on the water banks here, since we’d moved far enough south, which was fine with me!

Approaching the Holden Beach bridge, still on the NC side of the AICW.
No shortage of large, beautiful waterfront homes through here, either.

As we cruised through the Little River swing bridge and into North Myrtle Beach, SC, we were reminded just how many large and luxurious homes populate this area. We arrived at Barefoot Landing Marina, where we were instructed to tie-up to their long wall around mid-afternoon. Once Legacy was secured and plugged into shore-power, her crew showered and dressed for an early dinner right at the top of the walkway, at the Barefoot Landing Marina Grill. We found the place far more lively and active than it was when we came northward through here earlier in the year, so we had lots more people to watch while we ate.

A sign posted near our dinner table at the Barefoot Landing Marina Grill on Thursday evening, 11/11/21.

Position: N 33° 48.103, W 78° 44.810

Distance traveled:  42 SM

Total distance traveled:  5463 SM

Total marina nights: 405

Total nights at anchor: 23

Locks today: 0

Locks Total:  29